Novus Era Hukuk
Corporate and Commercial Law & Permanent Consultancy Services

Corporate and Commercial Law & Permanent Consultancy Services

Corporate and Commercial Law & Permanent Consultancy Services

    Novus Era Legal & Consultancy provides a range of services including drafting and revising contracts to be signed by client companies, legal support for company formation procedures, preparation of general assembly documents and representation of shareholders at general assembly meetings, management of trade registry registration processes, providing legal opinions and drafting documents regarding decisions to be taken within the company, sectoral reporting services on matters imposing obligations on companies, drafting framework and specific contracts determining rights and obligations in internal company relations, reviewing and drafting individual and collective labor contracts, reviewing and drafting non-compete and confidentiality agreements, conducting workplace inspections and identifying deficiencies, providing necessary information and training on relevant topics, and organizing and monitoring all mandatory or optional procedures related to cease of employment.